Ear Seeding

What are the Benefits of Ear Seeding?

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I am so excited to be introducing Ear Seeding to my Treatment Menu when I re-open after the current Lockdown. Ear Seeding is a magical therapy that has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine and brings so many potential benefits to your Physical, Emotional and Mental Wellness.

If you haven’t come across this therapy before, Ear Seeding is simply the Practice of applying the tiny seeds of the Vaccaria plant to carefully selected Reflexology & Traditional Chinese Medicine points on the ear with adhesive tape. This provides continuous stimulation of the targeted points - you can think of it as a time-release reflexology session that is still active long after you’ve left the Treatment Room.

Seeds can be positioned to support all the issues that we often target with Foot Reflexology, for example, to offer support for mental and emotional issues such as stress, anxiety & insomnia, for the management of pain in the body, for digestive issues, or fertility issues. There are even protocols to help support your weight loss journey, or the release of addictions. Ear seeds are particularly effective in the latter two cases when the client is motivated to make positive changes and is looking for a way to be pro-active and hands-on in the improvement of their Health & Wellness. Seeding offers the client a unique and empowering opportunity to participate in their own healing, as they can easily apply gentle pressure to their ear seeds in between appointments in order to trigger the carefully selected reflexes and thereby maintain the benefits of their treatments.  

Interested in booking in for an Ear Seeding session? Then let me give you more information on what to expect during your session with me. Ear Seeding is offered as a 15 minute add-on service to any other treatment on the menu; it works perfectly to strengthen the benefits of your Foot or Facial reflexology treatment between sessions, and is equally effective as a self-care add on to your favourite Massage, Facial or Spa Ritual to support any health or emotional issues that you might be working through. Depending on which treatment you’ve decided to add your Ear Seeding on to, you will enjoy your Seeding session either in a seated or reclined position on the warm & cosy Treatment Bed.

Your session begins with a massage & reflexology to the ears which awakens the many Nerve Pathways in this area. The ear is highly concentrated with nerve endings and is crossed by no less than three energy meridians (Triple Burner, Small Intestine & Gall Bladder), which creates a gorgeous stimulation to your senses and subtle energies when massaged.

Once the ears are warmed and energised, I then use a small metal probe to assess for any imbalances in the reflex points that we have decided will best support your desired outcome. Seeds are then taped on the targeted points of the outer ear and you can now apply gentle pressure to them yourself whenever you want to stimulate the support that they offer you. The process is relaxing and pain free, and gives you the unique opportunity to continue the effects of your session with me well into the week ahead. The seeds are tiny and taped over with a very small neutral coloured plaster, so are barely noticeable. They usually stay on your ears anywhere from 4 days to a week before they detach themselves, during which time you are in the empowered position of being able to self-treat by applying gentle pressure to your reflexes whenever you feel the need to.

I hope that this has given you an insight into the benefits of Ear Seeding; it really is a quick and effective way to boost your Health & Wellness on a Physical, Emotional & Mental level, and I look forward to delivering this Treatment to you very soon.

Love & Light!

Vicky x