Reflexology offers a holistic and non-invasive approach to Fertility support for women, whether they are trying to conceive naturally or undergoing IVF. By addressing stress, hormonal imbalances, and promoting overall well-being, Reflexology empowers women on their journey towards motherhood.
Facial Reflexology - Why You Should Try it Now!
It’s World Reflexology Week!
As one of my most popular treatments, I know that most of you will already have some knowledge of Foot Reflexology as I try to incorporate it into most of my treatments for you – while your face mask is on during your facial, as a balancing section during my Spa Rituals, or even as a standalone 60 minute treatment.
However, not quite as many of you have experienced the power of a Facial Reflexology treatment, so I thought I would share its’ magic with you to celebrate World Reflexology Week.
It was back in October 2018 that I had the honour of training in Facial Reflexology with Ziggie Bergman, reflexologist to the stars and founder of the Award Winning Bergman Method Facial Reflexology. From the moment I laid my hands on my model’s face in the training room that day, I fell in love with this therapy! Under Ziggie’s instruction the class spent the day learning the theory of, and the hands on practical application of Facial Reflexology.
I remember that the first training day started as a beautiful Autumn day at the London School of Reflexology at Regent’s University, with sunlight streaming into the classroom and the gentle sound of the breeze shaking copper leaves from the trees outside….but that is the last thing I remember of my surroundings. The training that day transported me around the world to the origins of this therapy, from the Far East where facial mapping originated to the Great Plains of the US where Native Americans developed their own facial techniques to care for the wellbeing of their tribe. I was completely absorbed in its unique global heritage.
Three years have passed since my training and I must have delivered hundreds of Facial Reflexology treatments since then, but the magic of that classroom experience has never left me and each treatment still sparks joy when my fingertips engage with my client’s face for the first time and I feel that surge of energy which is the magical connection between client and therapist as their two energy systems combine.
You see for me, Facial Reflexology is Foot Reflexology’s more spiritual sister treatment. Both are equally effective therapies that always seek to return the body to homeostasis, but I find that working on the face rather than the feet is a very different and energetic experience for my client.
This is because when delivering reflexology to the face, the therapist is in much closer proximity to the brain, cranial nerves and central nervous system and this results for many clients in sensations of tingling nerves from crown to toe followed by the deepest relaxation that they have ever experienced. It’s also not unusual for clients to tell me all about the beautiful colours and images that they have seen in their mind’s eye at the end of their treatment.
The mapping of all the body systems onto the face means that facial reflexologists are able to target any physical issues that might currently be an issue for you, in just the same way that foot reflexology functions. However, as the client’s face is much more visible to the therapist than the soles of the feet, a facial reflexology session begins even before the client is tucked into the cosy treatment bed – immediately on meeting her client the facial reflexologist is using the client’s face as a beautiful and precise tool to read what might be going on within the body’s internal organs, central nervous system and neuro-biological systems. Sometimes issues are apparent even before the therapist touches her client, for example it’s no coincidence that you might experience breakouts on your chin before your period – this area of the face houses the reproductive reflexes which mirror hormonal changes within your monthly cycle.
By using their knowledge of the reflex points of the face that correspond to the internal systems of the body, facial reflexologists are able to create bespoke treatments to suit the client’s needs on the day. If you’ve had a particularly stressful time of late, then I would be incorporating into your treatment reflex points such as the lungs and diaphragm to relax this area and encourage a deep slow breath, and possibly the digestive reflexes too if you carry your stress as a sensitive stomach or IBS, or the shoulders if this is where you hold your tension in the body. I would also be focused on your heart reflex point which is located just between the eyes to soothe emotional tension (it’s no coincidence that we are drawn to hold our own faces over this reflex point when we are feeling overwhelmed).
Through working on the Face, this type of reflexology is also the perfect choice to tackle conditions such as migraines, bruxism, bells palsy, sinus conditions and hay fever. I have had amazing results for clients with these conditions which has alleviated their need to reach for the usual pain relief tablets that they resort to.
Facial reflexology also has another wonderful point of difference to foot reflexology – you receive a mini facial within this treatment! My facial reflexology sessions always begin with a deep double cleanse with steamy hot towels to prepare the face for the application of a gorgeous organic facial oil. The oil generates just enough slip for a welcome massage to face, neck, shoulders and scalp to relax the client before I flow into the facial reflexology sequence of your treatment. Facial reflexology is experienced by the client as a soothing pattern of precise pressure point applications combined with relaxing effleurage massage to link areas together. The delivery can be quite hypnotic and is extremely soothing, so much so that it actually has an analgesic effect on the body, reducing pain by releasing natural endorphins. At the end of your treatment, your face is cleansed once more and eye gel and moisturiser to suit your skin type are applied so that you leave me feeling not only blissfully relaxed but also looking radiant.
Facial reflexology also has the added benefit of reducing the tension held in our face, thereby softening the fine lines and wrinkles that express our daily stress, making us look younger and more relaxed.
With all these benefits being delivered in such a relaxing and nourishing treatment, I’m sure you’ll understand now why I absolutely love it when a client hops onto the treatment bed to receive this treatment, especially if it’s their first time and they’re not quite prepared for the level of relaxation that they’re about to experience!
Why not try it out next time you’re here in the treatment room with me? If you’re a stalwart foot reflexology fan, switch over to facial reflexology next time you’re here – you won’t be disappointed with the results!
See you soon,
Vicky xx
What are the Benefits of Ear Seeding?
I am so excited to be introducing Ear Seeding to my Treatment Menu when I re-open after the current Lockdown. Ear Seeding is a magical therapy that has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine and brings so many potential benefits to your Physical, Emotional and Mental Wellness.
If you haven’t come across this therapy before, Ear Seeding is simply the Practice of applying the tiny seeds of the Vaccaria plant to carefully selected Reflexology & Traditional Chinese Medicine points on the ear with adhesive tape. This provides continuous stimulation of the targeted points - you can think of it as a time-release reflexology session that is still active long after you’ve left the Treatment Room.
Seeds can be positioned to support all the issues that we often target with Foot Reflexology, for example, to offer support for mental and emotional issues such as stress, anxiety & insomnia, for the management of pain in the body, for digestive issues, or fertility issues. There are even protocols to help support your weight loss journey, or the release of addictions. Ear seeds are particularly effective in the latter two cases when the client is motivated to make positive changes and is looking for a way to be pro-active and hands-on in the improvement of their Health & Wellness. Seeding offers the client a unique and empowering opportunity to participate in their own healing, as they can easily apply gentle pressure to their ear seeds in between appointments in order to trigger the carefully selected reflexes and thereby maintain the benefits of their treatments.
Interested in booking in for an Ear Seeding session? Then let me give you more information on what to expect during your session with me. Ear Seeding is offered as a 15 minute add-on service to any other treatment on the menu; it works perfectly to strengthen the benefits of your Foot or Facial reflexology treatment between sessions, and is equally effective as a self-care add on to your favourite Massage, Facial or Spa Ritual to support any health or emotional issues that you might be working through. Depending on which treatment you’ve decided to add your Ear Seeding on to, you will enjoy your Seeding session either in a seated or reclined position on the warm & cosy Treatment Bed.
Your session begins with a massage & reflexology to the ears which awakens the many Nerve Pathways in this area. The ear is highly concentrated with nerve endings and is crossed by no less than three energy meridians (Triple Burner, Small Intestine & Gall Bladder), which creates a gorgeous stimulation to your senses and subtle energies when massaged.
Once the ears are warmed and energised, I then use a small metal probe to assess for any imbalances in the reflex points that we have decided will best support your desired outcome. Seeds are then taped on the targeted points of the outer ear and you can now apply gentle pressure to them yourself whenever you want to stimulate the support that they offer you. The process is relaxing and pain free, and gives you the unique opportunity to continue the effects of your session with me well into the week ahead. The seeds are tiny and taped over with a very small neutral coloured plaster, so are barely noticeable. They usually stay on your ears anywhere from 4 days to a week before they detach themselves, during which time you are in the empowered position of being able to self-treat by applying gentle pressure to your reflexes whenever you feel the need to.
I hope that this has given you an insight into the benefits of Ear Seeding; it really is a quick and effective way to boost your Health & Wellness on a Physical, Emotional & Mental level, and I look forward to delivering this Treatment to you very soon.
Love & Light!
Vicky x
Lockdown Week 1 - How are you Feeling? An Open Letter to my Clients
Hi my Lovely Friend, How are you Feeling?
I’ll be honest with you, I woke up today feeling pretty low on energy.
That’s because yesterday I spent the entire day doing something that would have been completely unthinkable only a couple of weeks ago – I spent the whole day having to contact my clients and clear out my appointment diary for the next month, and I haven’t even got through all the appointments yet! (So if you have an upcoming Treatment with me and you haven’t heard from me yet, don’t worry I’m back on it as soon as I’ve written this email!)
The benefits of Children's Reflexology
This month, and especially during the half term holidays last week I have been lucky enough to welcome quite a few younger clients into the Treatment Room. As a Level 5 Clinical Reflexologist, I am trained to offer reflexology treatments to all members of your family and many children come to see me for reflexology treatments too. Reflexology is a safe, natural and effective way to ease stress and aid relaxation for all the family. It can help to improve wellbeing and improve sleep patterns in children of all ages, it is particularly effective at helping to soothe stress and anxiety in children, who tend to respond even more quickly to their treatments than older clients do.
If you are thinking about bringing your child for a reflexology appointment, I would recommend a 30 minute Foot Reflexology treatment for Primary school aged children, and a 60 minute treatment for senior school aged children. Teens in particular tend to benefit from Facial Reflexology, which can help with skin breakouts as I include a mini-facial within the treatment; Facial Reflexology also immediately engages the parasympathetic nervous system which allows stressed-out teens to slip into a very deep, almost hypnotic state of relaxation. Reflexology is a perfect way to alleviate pre GCSE and A Level stress... leading to a calmer family environment for everyone to enjoy.
Please feel free to get in touch if you want any further information on how reflexology could help your child. Please note that all children must be accompanied to their reflexology appointment by their parent or guardian.
Much Love,
Vicky xx
Feeling Festive….. & Exciting New Treatments for the New Year!
Feeling Festive….& Exciting New Treatments for the New Year
As the end of 2018 approaches, the Treatment Room is busier than ever as lots of lovely clients choose to escape the mayhem and pressures of the run up to Christmas for an hour’s well-earned retreat, indulging in Reflexology and Reiki treatments to restore and revive mind, body and soul.
Since training in Facial Reflexology back in October, this treatment has become my most popular therapy, and no wonder since it includes a mini facial using gorgeous Neal’s Yard products, steamy hot towels followed by a relaxing routine of stimulating and soothing the reflex points on your face, leaving you looking and feeling amazing.
I’m pleased to announce that I’ll soon be taking my Facial Reflexology services to an even more luxurious level as I’m off to the London School of Reflexology this weekend to be trained by Ziggie Bergman in her unique “Spiritual Facial” offering – The Zone Face Lift. The Zone Face Lift combines facial reflexology, Japanese facelift massage, GuaSha, Indian Head Massage and Native American healing techniques. This 90 minute treatment releases tension and stress held in the face whilst restoring radiance and an inner sense of peace. The beautifying results of The Zone Face Lift have seen it hailed as “an all natural alternative to botox” (Hip & Healthy) and “takes off 10 years in 12 weeks” (Beauty & Wellbeing). See more about what the Press are saying about this amazing treatment here: Zone Face Lift
Book your appointment for the Zone Face Lift now to be one of the first to experience this gorgeous treatment in the New Year – a perfect antidote to the January blues! For the best results it is advised to book in for a series of treatments as the benefits are cumulative – this might be a good time to drop some hints to your nearest and dearest that you’d like to find some Transcendence Holistic Treatment Vouchers under the tree this year!
Wishing everyone a peaceful and joyous Christmas, and thank you all for your support in 2018.
Vicky xxx
Following my dreams..
Following My Dreams
What an Amazing Autumn…
What an amazing Autumn it has been at Transcendence Holistic Therapies! Since launching my Reflexology and Reiki Treatment Room here in Horbury in September, I have been overwhelmed by the support and interest with which my friends, family and clients have received my new venture, and I am so happy to be spending my days expanding my little community of like-minded souls one lovely client at a time.
Since September, I have been busy checking lots off my to do list….launching my business, building a website, qualifying at the London School of Reflexology in Bergman Method Advanced Facial Reflexology, becoming a Neal’s Yard Remedies Independent Consultant, hosting skin care and facial reflexology workshops at the Treatment Room (phew!)…. but the most exciting and rewarding times of all have been the hours that I have spent delivering bespoke Reflexology and Reiki treatments to my clients. Thank you for trusting me to improve your health and well-being, and to help you feel transcendent.
Vicky xxx